Saturday 9 November 2019


I knew I was held back by something.
I didn't know what.
I met myself climbing up a hill
Accepted me
Then forgot 
Your approval
And restrictions 
The flowers are my diction
And I'll talk to the petals 
Or parade them
Whether you like it
Or not. 

C. LJ 2019

Saturday 5 October 2019


They crouch either side of the jungle -
A thick mud-brown rug in the hall
And I pull a pink satin ribbon
Soon to be pinned by their claws
They pounce -
A leopard and lion
The pretty pink string sees their teeth
Then we all sit in great satisfaction
Of finding the snake

C. LJ 2019

Sunday 22 September 2019

Favourite Time

It's raining outside
But I have tea,
Two candles and
A cat with me
A blanket and 
A reading book
In between chapters 
My cat looks
Sleepily at me
And we both smile
Because this is our 
Favourite time.

C. LJ 2019

Sunday 15 September 2019

Two cats on a bed

Two cats on a bed
An empty tea cup
I try to slow time
Being present
But the cats are present
Without trying.

C. LJ 2019

Sunday 18 August 2019

On other animals

Dogs are given outfits, blankets
A bed next to the fire.
Cats have diamond collars, velvet cushions, are admired.
Yet cows are lined up terrified,
Stunned and hung upside down
And pigs are crammed into crates
Scared by the gas and screaming sounds
Each cow has the heart of a dog
And a pig can make its own bed
But for some reason the love for cats and dogs
Does not extend to them.

C. LJ 2019

On Nature

The world is concrete and metal
I need the smell of green leaves 
Or the touch of fur of a kindred spirit
To remind me of early earth
When God walked with man,
Man with animal,
And among all -
Streams laced with sun.
I hold on to glimpses of forest
To mist above water
When walls and roads
Block the sky
And confuse where I came from.

C. LJ 2019

OCD (6)

It's exhausting
Reading script after script after script
And then casting
Myself as the villain each time
But each time forgetting 
It's not even real as I'm tricked by
My own brain
With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 
Directing again.

C. LJ 2019

Rose Haiku

Petals make the mane
Of the rose that sways softly
Above steady claws 

C. LJ 2019

Friday 19 July 2019


I'm walking through the wreckage
Of my former self
Finding relics
Amongst the rubble
Of me before I fell
Statues that tell stories 
Of who I was
What once was buried treasure, 
Is now brought back to me.

C. LJ 2019

Thursday 11 July 2019


I used to sparkle 
There's magic in our eyes
I was told to sit down
Pressed into silent uniform
After a while I stopped fighting
Crumpled, I crawled out
And like a cat
Licked my wounds
And the dirt off
Bit by bit
And there it was.

C. LJ 2019

Sunday 7 July 2019


I walked with butterflies 
Over damp grass
Grateful of change and 
And a moment to
In the breeze
Watching wings and petals

C. LJ 2019

Daisy Haiku

The petals of the
Delicate Daisy are still
Made with precision 

C. LJ  2019

Thursday 4 July 2019

Mind Haiku

The same mind that makes
A maze to hold Minotaurs
Creates monsters too 

C. LJ Ireton 2019

Sunflower Haiku

Unmissable bloom
The sun inside a flower
The sky in a room

C. LJ Ireton 2019

Sunday 30 June 2019

'Mary' Haiku

Was not the faith of
Mary one of the greatest 
In a world of men? 

C. LJ Ireton 

Monday 3 June 2019


My mind is a maze of magic sparks,
Circuits conjuring 
Candyfloss clouds or
Calamity storms
In a heartbeat - 
The fastest painter I know
Filling in both cracks and rainbows
To make pictures 
Then presenting them to me
As Masterpieces
But both wear fanciful frames 
That I cannot always see.

C. LJ Ireton 2019

Open Ground

The sun drew me out
Crawling, curious 
Onto Open Ground
Where I knelt by buttercups
To the sounds of sparrows 
I breathed in light
Safe in my circle of trees
Amazed to just be outside. 

C. LJ Ireton 2019

Saturday 18 May 2019

Sunday 12 May 2019


Though she feels surrounded,
Lost in light-scattered haze
She steels her heart against the storm,
Her mind against the rain 
Until the clouds pour flower petals
And courage colours her face,
Hailed luminous with the rising moon,
Reminded she is brave.

C. LJ Ireton 2019


I'm not alone.
My cat is next to me.
And her eyes hold
Lion prides, Dragon treasure and Tiger stripes - 
The whole animal kingdom
Is curled at my feet
Choosing me for company. 

C. LJ Ireton 2019

Thursday 2 May 2019

Queen Kateryn Parr

Into the tapestry of tradition
You embroidered your words in ink
Sewing in stoicism 
Under standards of sapphire and silk.
Skilled lady - what poise, what faith you held 
Under the gaze of religious men -
Facing dangerous duty with grace,
Marking books with a woman's name.
In a chequered court, with a heavy crown,
 Your patience and pages were displayed
Among your collection of royal jewels
Admired by queens not yet made.

Sunday 28 April 2019

Mary Queen of Scots

Sailing across an uncertain sea,
Her white veil trails
 The wind of things to come,
While her thick golden train flows behind
Like the waves in the wake
Of warm colours now gone.
So she fills her cold castles
With France and her beauty 
In defiance of shadows
Not her own
And dances her way over stone floors 
In riches, decorating herself 
Her own throne.

C. LJ Ireton 2019

Tuesday 23 April 2019

The Star

The Star
We'd been looking 
In the wrong places - 
We did not consider 
That light
Would settle in
Sawdust and shadows
Where it was needed
Most - 
So she held out a hand
In suggestion.

C. LJ Ireton 2019

Saturday 13 April 2019


Seas shaped by syllables 
Talking trees to life
Earth made from whispers
Forming wheat fields overnight
Underneath spoken stars
We search for echoes on the wind
So we can speak your language 
Into worlds yet to begin.

C. LJ Ireton 2019

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Cat Haiku

Cats are royalty
And yet they make you feel like
You are the royal 

C. LJ Ireton 2019

OCD (6)

Calm, calm
The noise, the lies
That fly around your brain
In swarms
A storm
Halt the formation 
Call them down
Call them down 

See, see
The swirls of black
That circle up and up
To harm, 
Catch them reshaping 
Send them back
Send them back.

C. LJ Ireton 2019.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Broken brain

Broken brain
That I carry around with me
Was meant to be in charge
But it tortured me
Until I stopped moving
In despondency.
Now I wait
For supplies 
But there's no bandage for the mind
So I sit
Holding the
Fragile pieces.

C. LJ Ireton 2019


I try to be myself for a moment
Then I remember my madness and cry
Because I feel like time has been stolen
Leaving someone I don't recognise.

C. LJ Ireton 2019

Tuesday 12 March 2019


Oh that my thoughts
Could run like water
Always flowing to the sea
Instead they go no further,
Forge a dam
And hold in me
A stream is like a wish
To whispers stuck in dirt
Weaving them in movement
Making rivers of new thought. 

C. LJ Ireton 2019

Dark Cloud

Dark cloud
I know you now
You've been following me for a while
Some days you thunder
Confusing me
But when the lightning stops 
I see you. 

C. LJ Ireton 2019

Saturday 9 March 2019

Ghost Ship

My mind, my time
Was stolen from me
The clock stopped with my sanity
The pain is now
An absent thing
A ghost ship that is hovering
While I look on
Now from the pier
Not knowing how it brought me here.

C. LJ Ireton 2019.

Sunday 3 March 2019


Thoughts thrashing through tunnels
Endless atoms amongst darkness
Moving forward without my feet
Without my sight - 
I forgot I was made of light too.

C. LJ Ireton 2019

Tuesday 26 February 2019

OCD (5)

The air feels grey and thick
I wade, weighed down
By warped versions of reality 
That push me to my knees
And I sink.

I can't think my way out.

C. LJ Ireton 2019.

My cats

My cats
Circle me
As planets orbit
Round the Sun
So my cats
Remind me
Who I am
When I've forgotten.

C. LJ Ireton 2019


I could stand here for hours
With the wind brushing my face
Holding me upright, lifting my heart
Over purple trees, just like my gaze
Part of the outside I can stand
Where my mind can see a space
It's been singing for in darkness
Searching for a peaceful place.

C. LJ Ireton 2019


And the sun shone
Bringing the very earth to life
The creatures crawled out from the ground and birds took to the skies
The stream spoke to the pebbles
Saying it is alive
Nature says we live
Man says we survive.

C. LJ Ireton 2019

Wednesday 23 January 2019


Have you seen a cow fight its way back out 
Of the slaughter line that won't let her leave? 
Or that same gentle beauty hung heavy by the leg 
On a chain, like a felled brute beast?
Have you seen pigs held down to suffocate, screaming, Squealing in choking chambers?
Or how pigs can play, train and answer like dogs,
Yet they still don't receive the same treatment?
Have you seen the alarm in the eyes of a bird 
Facing stun by electrified water? 
Or the injustice when innocent chicks are poured down 
Into death by an industrial grinder?
These animals fear every step of the way and 
You refuse, you refuse to acknowledge 
That we are the cause - 'free range' label or not - 
Unless we have mercy and stop this.
Do not buy packages produced by pain or 
Turn your back on these creatures who trust.
We have a choice and compassion's its name, 
Let peace in their kingdom start with us.

Copyright LJ Ireton 2019

Thursday 3 January 2019


My voice is worn
From screaming
About what happens to you - 
But my words roll off their shoulders
Like raindrops
And my echo sits in the puddles
They step in
What I said - 
Like your your pleading eyes
Mean nothing to them, 
Or don't exist
Behind humane labels
And all the paper notes
That pay to wash your blood away.
Im haunted by your frightened face
Longing to be saved,
Not deserving pain in return
And I cry with shame -
Because what more can I say 
If they don't want to learn.

Copyright LJ Ireton 2019


I hold myself
As my own body 
My mind opens
Emotion trickles 
I let this 

As the world rarely does.

Copyright LJ Ireton 2018

April Showers

Four months in And more of the same, Silt white rain runs Like frustration  On cheeks. Sullen at the sky, I still open the window - In low w...

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