Wednesday 23 January 2019


Have you seen a cow fight its way back out 
Of the slaughter line that won't let her leave? 
Or that same gentle beauty hung heavy by the leg 
On a chain, like a felled brute beast?
Have you seen pigs held down to suffocate, screaming, Squealing in choking chambers?
Or how pigs can play, train and answer like dogs,
Yet they still don't receive the same treatment?
Have you seen the alarm in the eyes of a bird 
Facing stun by electrified water? 
Or the injustice when innocent chicks are poured down 
Into death by an industrial grinder?
These animals fear every step of the way and 
You refuse, you refuse to acknowledge 
That we are the cause - 'free range' label or not - 
Unless we have mercy and stop this.
Do not buy packages produced by pain or 
Turn your back on these creatures who trust.
We have a choice and compassion's its name, 
Let peace in their kingdom start with us.

Copyright LJ Ireton 2019

Thursday 3 January 2019


My voice is worn
From screaming
About what happens to you - 
But my words roll off their shoulders
Like raindrops
And my echo sits in the puddles
They step in
What I said - 
Like your your pleading eyes
Mean nothing to them, 
Or don't exist
Behind humane labels
And all the paper notes
That pay to wash your blood away.
Im haunted by your frightened face
Longing to be saved,
Not deserving pain in return
And I cry with shame -
Because what more can I say 
If they don't want to learn.

Copyright LJ Ireton 2019


I hold myself
As my own body 
My mind opens
Emotion trickles 
I let this 

As the world rarely does.

Copyright LJ Ireton 2018

In the clearing

The forest was swollen with water.  Branches stirred swamped bases And moorhens made homes in brown bramble Puddles surrounded with mud. But...

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