
I went to the forest
To gather some words
To bring home
Like the children do
The dried pinecones
To cover in glitter.
Above me the dark green canopy 
Was a kaleidoscope - 
Shifting triangles of white light
With each movement.
Underneath, the pale brown leaves
Were peppered with acorns 
And secret signs of buried treasure 
Only the squirrels know.
The stream was excited 
Because it rained last night
And I, because more movement 
Means more dancing of the light
On surface of the water,
That I watched from the bank 
Made of rocks and roots -
And the face of a rat, 
Now and then.
I walked back to the tree trunks
Where I did find plenty of pinecones,
But these were the words I put in my pockets to pull out again
And cover in glitter.

Copyright LJ 2020.


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