
Showing posts from July, 2022

The Dolls

The dolls are happy in their parlour - Their painted expressions say so, Anyway. And they are loved -  Love is time, patience and placing them Carefully on crafted chairs For miniature people. Protected from the heat of the Sun, Uncertainty and playground enemies  What could they want for? Yet they always seem to be Looking beyond - A glaze in their eyes Behind the tiny teapot Like some days They want to smash predictability  And sweep it under the gowns  They didn't choose to wear. LJ Ireton 2022


I think of all the scared, suffering animals I can't reach - On roads, in trucks,  On the other side of human understanding. My small hands can't cross over Disconnection. I touch my cat's forehead with my own - As if that can channel a message  To all creatures - perhaps it can. But if it can't -  For all my helplessness, One animal will know it is loved. LJ Ireton 2022


Yes, I know that I am capable And that I could create this and that  And all the things you mention - But I like doing this. And that should be enough. LJ Ireton 2022.