
Showing posts from December, 2020

Christmas Morning

Oh Christmas morning After the solstice The light returning! There are lines of colours In the sky Changing everything - Unfolding silver paper, Pink cotton to warm my skin. This day begins Differently -  The music matches The sky. C. LJ 2020

Christmas Eve

Outside, the cold air Doesn't seem to move. Inside, in small spaces, We sit with long nights. But a tea light, Advent candle, Fairy bulb, or Reflective bauble, Paints the dark itself Into a coloured glow, Just as a star was tasked with Making stable straw Silver, long ago. See how even the little light Of a doll's house lantern, Transforms the play room, So too we can Replicate the stars Against dark walls, And watch While we wait. C. LJ 2020


The World Is not round It has sharp corners Hard walls And Stop signs. But among These straight lines You curve, Show me what circles Look like - Mirror the moon At night time And what Nature Tried to be Ever - The soft side. C. LJ 2020