
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Flowers

Flowers  Are scooped up pages, Petals in cupped hands With writing we cannot see But each stem holds  A story from the Earth. We give each other these words, While saying something else. I Hope The Flowers Don't  Mind. Copyright LJ 2020


Trying is exhausting. When I sit And see beauty For what it is, There is energy. Copyright LJ 2020

In the Midst

In the midst of Chaos Or Peace We must still Pause To Reach The beautiful things so Hard To See Yet always there. Copyright LJ 2020


It is dark around me, Winter dark. The surfaces are touched with frost Like the thin layer of sadness on me. I try to make the most Of the clear sky  And look up - Above the rooves and the roads With the man-made lights, Above the space Around me Of things I can't explain, And see the singular stars  Of this night. I don't know what they are saying,  Or what sign they are showing, But they too are standing Out in the cold And for a moment, We are sharing. Copyright LJ 2020.


I give so much  Energy To Fixing myself When Finding myself Creates More. Copyright LJ 2020.


Our minds are unique oceans In goldfish bowls, With colours we cannot always name And some waves without a way yet, Bubbling over each other, Beauty circling without an escape. Sometimes it takes another, looking in, To see the sophisticated patterns the  Swirls make against the glass  And call out the streams.  Copyright LJ 2020


I walk along a beach And as the tide comes in So does a friend That helps me decorate The sand with seashells, Or fights with me against The sea wind. Then they retreat As the sea goes out And I don't know why. But as I keep walking, The tide returns With a new face In the waves. I think maybe it's because There are shapes to be made On this part of the sand - I am on a different part of the shore, That only the water knows And gathers in for.    Copyright LJ 2020.