Maybe the stars are named But some can find the constellations In people - The connecting shapes and lights Of like souls Drawn together By an artist's brush. C. LJ July 2020
How fine, how elegant and fragile Are the ink lines I make on parchment My words Are yet Warriors, Carrying their message over the void. So too, do I balance my feet along them With poise Knowing at any moment my line could Break. C. LJ 2020
There was always a ghost Following me I can outwit spectors I said, you said And the shadow seemed to Fade Wearing her jewels I walked Forward, lifting my head She was no longer behind me I had become the ghost instead. C. LJ 2020
I see petite porcelain figures On the chessboard of France Learning to dance I take them in my hand Tiny, refined, lined with gold Cold crowns Against my skin That fades in the torchlight Of dark, English stones. C. LJ 2020
My mind is like a hive Full of bees. I can't make them sleep, So I invite them With ink To circle the paper for me. Then I marvel at the Shapes. C. LJ 2020