Mary Queen of Scots (Four parts)

 The White Widow

Black fabric covers the Sun.
Against her wishes,
A blade of light breaks through
The grieving walls
To touch the white pearls
And climb the lace leaves
Until she is outlined in gold.
Her gown glisters among solemnity
As it also sung in ceremony
She surrounds herself with shadows
Yet she is displayed in the dark
A white widow
Lost in all she has lost,
Already found by the crown she is.



The Sea

The outline of that crown
Sank beneath the Sun
And into the sea.
Those castles now were
Underwater cities.
So, too water fell
From her face
To join the murky shapes
Of memory.
But with depth
There is foundation -
She summoned herself
To the other side of the sea
Where her own waves
And wild horses
To be made or broken
By their unknown queen.



The Lady of The Lake

Her pearls are gone -
They drift out of reach in the green water
Black stones gather on the sand
To adorn another queen.
Her hands are empty -
The sword is held at her
As she reaches the surface,
She is to remain on the rocks.
Despondant and bloody,
She looks into the lake
Her reflection ripples away from the island
And touches the mainland in the distance -
Her magic reaches still.


Sister Queen

Long have I been betrayed by men
Who hold my son
And swords at me.
But your blow, my Sister Queen
Marks the sharpest cut -
Sharing blood and royalty.
Renowned fierce female,
My cousin governor -
You cannot even glimpse my face -
Already made prisoner,
Lower than those who
Bow to you
Because you know my worth
Is yet higher.


 Copyright LJ 2020.


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